Posted by: Emilie | August 3, 2010

San Blas Islands, Welcome to Paradise!

Day 100 – Monday 5th July –> Day 101 – Tuesday 6th, July

The trip to San Blas was expensive and led through the jungle and highlands outside of Panama City. The San Blas Islands are part of the territory of the indigenous Kuna who live in the autonomous region of Kuna Jana. We arrived at the departure point for small boats, where we were picked up by Kunas. It took then a good one-hour ride in a somewhat battered wooden boat to the island of Ina. As far as we could see, we saw small islands, which sometimes consisted of only one or two palm trees and a wooden hut. Others were completely built and densely populated while others were completely uninhabited. Unfortunately it started to rain early and kinda took the Caribbean feeling away…

Big Iguana on the way!
Big Iguana on the way!

On the small boat with bad weather
On the small boat with bad weather

On the island we were welcomed by the friendly islanders and showed us our Cabaña (straw hut). The island was a paradise, and consisted of a small palm grove, a few homes of the Kuna, and a few cottages for tourists. With us were a dozen other tourists on the tiny island.

Upon arrival, however, there was just confusion and debate, because our hostel had received too much commission. After much discussion, we did not pay more and the Kuna earned a bit less money with us. Thus, the initial mood being a bit ruined. But soon it was sunny and we went snorkelling and saw all kinds of fish and sea stars. In the evening Lorenz and the guys played volleyball with the locals and then got lobster for dinner. We then sat up late and drank some wine and beer. After a poor start, it was therefore still a super day!

Our dinner, still alive at the time!
Our dinner, still alive at the time!


Kuna Woman
A Kuna Woman



The next morning we had the finest Caribbean weather and were able to enjoy the paradise. It was probably the clearest water that we have ever seen and by far the most beautiful island that we were able to visit so far.

Morning in San Blas
In the morning

Unfortunately, we left San Blas in the afternoon because Lorenz wanted to watch the game Germany-Spain and hoping that Lorenz card had finally arrived and we could continue to fly to Colombia. The San Blas Islands were the most beautiful piece of our trip to the Caribbean and especially in light of the fact that Germany should lose and that the card was not even there, we could have spent way more time there.

The rest of the pictures:

Stunning Sunset
Stunning Sunset

Emilie and sunset

With Lorenz full of sand from volleyball!
With Lorenz full of sand from volleyball!

in the morning

The Bathroom
The Bathroom

Our accomodation
Our accomodation


jump picture


Actually, just a piece of wood!

Bye Bye San Blas...
Bye Bye San Blas…

Our island from further away
Our island from further away

Crowded island
Crowded island

One island, one house, two palm trees... what else??
One island, one house, two palm trees… what else??


  1. Et là je me dis : “qu’est ce que je fous à Paris?” =)

    Vous allez l’air en super forme, les caraibes vous vont bien!


  2. Juste jalouse… 😉 ça donne envie!

    Profitez-en bien !

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